
Homemade Christmas Ornaments: Floral Wedding Leftovers

Submitted by Kristi Gorecki of Florida

Floral Wedding Leftovers Christmas Ornaments

"Floral Rosette Ball Ornament"

This idea from my desire to commemorate my September wedding on a Christmas ornament and creatively use leftover items from my wedding decorations.

I used the little miniature burgundy rosettes that I purchased at a craft store in bundles of a dozen or so. These rosettes were scattered on tables at our reception, and afterward, I didn't want to just throw them away. So, I kept as many as I needed to make this ornament, and now we have a sentimental, personalized Christmas ornament that we can cherish for years to come!

Plus, it was really easy to make!

You will need:

1 round foam ball
Miniature floral roses on wire stems from a craft store
16-inch length of ribbon


Tie ribbon around foam ball, making a knot at the top with the ball in the center of the ribbon. Tie loose ends of ribbon together to create a bow at the top of the ornament.

Using miniature floral roses, cut the wire stems to approximately 1/2 to 1/4 inch.

Press flowers into the foam ball, keeping each flower very close to the next, completely covering the foam.

(If you are worried about the flowers falling out of the foam, work in small areas and paint the foam ball with regular white glue before pressing flowers into foam.)

When foam ball is completely covered, you are finished!

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