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Vacations: How to Travel with Food

Money Saving Tip of the Month (featured column)
submitted by Melinda Y. of Kentucky

My husband and I recently returned from a frugal vacation to Hawaii. We rented a condo so that we would be able to fix some meals there and save money by not eating out for every meal.

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Since we were flying we didn't have a lot of extra room to take food. Like many vacation spots, groceries are very expensive in Hawaii. A friend suggested taking an extra suitcase full of food.

We took several boxes of Tuna Helper along with cans of tuna, canned goods, pudding, oatmeal and other non perishable items that would travel well.

We were able to save a lot of money by eating all breakfasts at the condo and several dinners. Since it is usually cheaper to eat out for lunch, it worked out very well.

We did buy some milk and eggs but that was all we needed since we had packed so much food.

Extra Bonus: We also had an empty suitcase for souvenirs on the way back home!

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Copyright © 2006 by Melinda Y. All rights reserved.

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