This year's winning ornaments include "String Nativity Scene" made with string or crochet thread, "Christmas Egg" with real eggs, and "Bee an Angel" made with pure beeswax. Thank you to everyone who participated!
1st Place | 2nd Place | 3rd Place |
Featured Submissions
"Frosty Fingers Handprint"
"Mama's Wreath"
Additional Submissions

"Angel Cat Pom Poms"
"Beautiful Angel Ornament"
"Fuzzy Angel"
"Mini-Glass Treasures"
"Pasta Angel"
"Pasta Angels 2"
"Wood-N-Wire Star Angel"
Ball Ornaments

"Coiled Fun"
"Dallas Cowboys Elf"
"Don't Forget Me! Glass Ornament"
"Friendship Santa Hat"
"Patchwork Christmas Ball"
"Bling for Your Tree"
"Button Candy Cane"
"Box of Love Ornament"
"Candy Christmas Treat Trimmings"
"Christmas in a Nutshell"
"Christmas Paper Poinsettia"
Crochet: "The Gingerbread Man"
Cross Stitch

"Country Christmas Cross Stitch"
"Heart of Love"
"Footprint (Child) Dough Ornaments"
"Forever Flowers"
"Handprint Wreath"
"Handy Growing Christmas Tree"
"Hollyday Gift Ornament"

"Jingle Bells"
"Measuring the Gingerbread"
"My Sparkly Kyle"
"Swing Beneath Bethlehem's Star"
"Nuts About Christmas: Beaver"
"Nuts About Christmas: Panda"
"Nuts About Christmas: Penguin"
"Paintbrush Santa"

"Whose Is This?"
Puzzle Pieces
"Puzzle Piece Ornaments"
"Puzzle Wreath Ornament"
"Redneck Christmas Tree"

"Clothespeg-Clothespin Reindeer"

"Popsicle Reindeer"
"Salt Dough Christmas Scene"

"Prescription for a Warm Heart Snowman"
"Snowman Light Bulb Ornament"
"Snowman Friends"
"Snow Slatemen"
"Sock Snowman"
"Treasure Snowman"
"Soldier Man"
"Spool Christmas Tree Ornament"
"Decorative Paper Stars"
"Lacy Paper Star Ornament"
"Martha Stewart's Glitter Star"
"Ribbon Star of Wonder"
"Sparkling Web Star"
"Stolen from the Scrapbook Ornaments"
"Trash to Treasure Wood Scroll Ornaments"
"Three Wise Men Egg Carton Ornament"
"TriSARAtops Ornament"
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